This is from a creative writing prompt I found on
I'm just trying to get back into the habit of writing regularly, so any feedback that isn't about grammar is appreciated.

“Whoa. Do you see that?” I've reached the edge of a clearing and on the other side is giant Ferris wheel. We're out of breath from running and laughing. Vi comes up behind me and halts suddenly as they see the Ferris wheel.
“What the hell?”
I can hear them breathing heavily beside me looking at the strange scene before us. I can see tents and more rides on the other side of the Ferris wheel. There is a giant marquee with the words 'CARNIVAL' in large letters.
“What do you think it is?” Vi asks.
I turn and give them a look which they return.
“Let's go check it out.” I say starting to walk forward, but I don't hear Vi follow. I look back at them and they are looking past me at the 'CARNIVAL' sign which has now lit up. I can see a few of the bulbs flicker and I take a step back, unnerved. The lights go out and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Vi steps forward and the lights flicker back on, the Ferris wheel wobbles on its axis, and a single off key note is heard in the distance. Vi and I look at each other as they take another step. A few more notes ring in the distance as the Ferris wheel clangs to life.
Suddenly, we are running. As we move closer to the carnival more music plays and other rides start moving. I can hear Vi laughing madly next to me, but she is joined by laughter ahead, beckoning us forward. There is a small moment of fear when we reach the entrance to the carnival. The noise is deafening. I look at Vi. They are looking at me and I know that if I wanted to we would both turn and run from this place.
I look into the carnival and see only emptiness. I reach out my hand for Vi and I feel their soft hand in mine, sweaty and hot, but more comfort than I have ever known anywhere else. We step into the carnival together and enter a whole new world.
Once we are on the other side of the marquee there are hundreds of people around us. Barkers stand next to purple and gold tents enticing people to come closer. Vi and I shrink back. The marquee is gone. I squeeze Vi's hand tight as we peer at the entrance of the main tent.

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