I was walking
On the wet sands
Never ending stretch
I stopped
And turned
Looked across the horizon
Sun shimmering at a distance
Gentle wind
Bringing the essence
Of a distant entity
The oceans
Blurring against time
Drowning in darkness
I stood there
Dusk being my companion
Why ?
And then
Something collided


I was running
Laughing and living
Listening to the melody
I looked above
Didn't see the titan
The radiance was across the sphere
My mood – carefree
I didn't need to think
God did it for me
I laughed
Like the son of god
And all at once
There was a halt
To my boundless beam
I collided


She was thinking
About the supreme truth
He was smiling
He didn’t need to know
And they stopped
Glanced at each other
And as if a miracle
They exchanged souls
Every tiny bit of atom
Exchanged themselves
And they received
What they needed
But didn’t know
She – a little bit of satisfaction
From her thirst
Of truth
Out of his satisfaction
For truth
Her searching eyes
Replaced with his gratified eyes
The collision
Ended in exchange


I looked at them
From far above
I smiled
A spark
Ignited in them
And they served
As oil for one another
To keep the flame burning
The collision
Was awakening

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