In the midst of forest, under the canopy of oak
Here, wondered over my world, the fate and the folk.
I, glazed at the shy nature, that takes pride in its ever-expanding beauty,
And, the sibling sunlight was blissfully sought when density wanted to hid it.
Aah! The munificent, mystical wind rustled with a realization of purity.
But again perplexed me when the worries and anxiety were to get rid of
Among the God's gift, i m the happiest creation;
Where the magnificent nature glorified and i , dignified,
And, every step of mine over the dry, littered leaves signified a special expression
As the rhythmic touch of true conscience had the new height of success exemplified.
Wait! Wait! Here, the grey, gloomy cloud overshadowed my buried replica
And, suddenly made me confront the palpable, darker pattern renaissance,
Let the horrifying facts be explored,
but here something's interrupting my thoughts like a sight from the flickering lantern
Oh! That’s the tiny droplet and yeah! Its drizzling
To give a way to the sparkling biggest star for it’s shining
My limited sense, unknown experienced world defined the infinite reach of ray
And for my world, whether seen or unseen, I do Pray.

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