Life appears with a race with fellow sperms, and begins with a cry. Have you ever thought why God decided to give us birth crying? Well I think because he wanted everyone of us to realise that life is full of occasions when you will cry and others will celebrate. He clearly gives his message “ The world enjoys when you suffer.” I was a dumb ass, so I didn’t realise this long ago. I lived in some kind of fairy tale where everyone is good and the not so good ones are looked down upon. Being selfish is absolutely unethical. I was not completely selfless, but at least I wasn’t selfish for some special persons in my life. I thought true love was unconditional.
The truth has finally dawned on me. Being selfish is just survival strategy, and is named practicality. And there is nothing called true love. It’s all about needs. I have a boyfriend and I would keep loving him even if he would leave me for some bitch. But if I ever even hurt him the slightest he would mind it, remind me of it. If ever I see another guy he would leave me forever. Are the promises “no matter what…” exist only to make us feel good? Absolutely yes. He is with me only till I am there for him. I am not blaming him. That’s the way world is supposed to be.
Let’s discuss friendship. Friendship is another tool of living with people. It’s all about mutual trust. Everyone has some deep dark secrets that he or she has to reveal to someone (at least I do need someone… the ones who don’t need friends are certainly the winners). So they make so called friendship with someone and help each other mutually. It is one sided only in Hindi movies.
People say parents’ love for their child is unconditional, true and blah blah blah… Try doing something that hurts their image, ego or honour and you will find out that I am correct.
I was brought up theoretically that’s why I was still living in dreams. The bubble has burst now. Now I don’t give a damn about anyone. The foundations of my principles are shattered now.I don’t recognize the girl that I have become. I have been so foolish and I kept my eyes closed on the fact. But now this realisation is going to stay with me forever, thanks to my love and friends. I shall fight. I won’t give up. I will be happy the way everyone is supposed to be, and I shall stay happy. God bless me.

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