Living in the biggest democracy of the world, I now personally believe and would like to 'vote' for a dictatorship. Democracy today , is nothing but a coveted dictatorship, a false shell to fool the common man that he is still living in a government which is made "by the people, for the people, of the people". Whereas, actually the government consists of a certain number of men, or rather Hidden Dictators, who govern the government itself. In a democracy, the common public lives in an illusion that their participation via vote actually counts, and thus they elect their leaders. Actually the real picture is quite different. Mark Twain once told correctly that "If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it". To vote is like to choose between the puppet on the left hand and the puppet on the right hand. In such a case, whatever we choose, it is always them who win. Now, a dictatorship is directly proportional to the dictator. If the dictator is a corrupt man, the nation will be corrupted in his leadership, resulting the same as in a democracy today. Whereas, if we hope to get a dictator possessed of wisdom, intellect and a spiritual mind, the land ruled by him will flourish with peace and happiness, and the living standard of people living there will rise. This is a more pleasant picture than democracy, as in a democracy even if we have one good leader in the pack of evils, he may not sustain under the pressure of corruption and evil residing in and around him. Being a dictator, he may force his goodness along and win the tug of war. One more considerable thing is that in a democracy even the most foolish or evil man has a right to be answered, as he is a free man of the country he lives in. In a dictatorship, foolishness can be banned at the will of the dictator. The hoax of elections in a democracy causes a huge chunk of money to be spent on fooling the people around. Dictatorship needs no elections, and thus is a relatively cheaper and less tantrumous form of government. The democracy we live in is not the ideal form of democracy; if it were, I would have gone for it. Alas, if a spiritual dictator be found, I would happily live in his reign.

Tags: Politics

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