When there is a desperate desire, rather an emotional need, to walk into the wood which leads way to an isolated island, then there is an urge to unload the mind inundated with deep, dark, bizarre thoughts. Looking into the past which I now treat as a roadway from childhood, a carefree era to a somber, fretted world full of boorish crowds, making an incessant effort to break down, even the soul, I realize how everyone on this most happening and celebrated planet is guilty of murder. Individualism is a factor which gives one a never-extinguishing right to kill her/his conscience. The extinction of conscience leads to cataclysm, everywhere and now void is being filled with prosthetic emotions. Before we embark on a better journey towards a contended life, life warns that it is too little, too late. We still try to move on; ignoring the negative sides of the obstacles life creates for each one of us. People wish with unbridled outflow of words and sentiments, showing translucent, faux concerns. We, being ardent, sail through the sea of fear, trek through the rocky valleys of customs and then come down to the green plains metaphorically hinting at the restlessness hatching out of the narrated tedious journey. Night of new moon sinks in and mind shares juxtaposed opinions for revolutionary take on travelers. Heart objects, cries for peace and rest. Nature disputes over the conquered revelations of the humans, craving for more, be it attention, name, war or power. They define it as a rise to the glory and take into control the subjects – mind and the body. But adamant brain excludes the game of reasoning and ignores all the pairs of eyes from which tears trickled down unfolding the pain they underwent through. The silent saga is left unheeded; and sadly, heart being wrathfully blamed for reaping seeds of tenderness which is an enemy to power.

The chirping birds mediate, asking to settle for humanity. There is a sudden silence, and sadist mind directs for a long-term new drama for this new day, comprising of influences, networking and destructions. Love, relations, emotions and values are long forgotten, just at the start of this journey to attain peace of mind, to acquire the dream world of isolation and then, to smile in the mystical aura of sunsets and sunrise. Goals have vanished and now ‘movements’ to acquire the ever-shrinking nature are trendy for youths and middle-aged. Here it’s an affray. Conscience is killed now! Innocence butchered!

The bickering is over the religion, over the property and over the race. The whole human race is rotting from moral decay. The unjust social demonstration of classification and stratification gives the most ‘pious’ custodians of godly things and structures the power to conquer the beliefs of others and in case they face any trouble, they are guide to buy the spirituality. Fact is nothing lies beyond abstraction and it’s all hollow. These power-hunger self-proclaimed elite, holy class claims their religion, race, traditions, holy books and society to be ‘supreme’. Reasons are scientific and advanced. Probably, that’s why rare species of human race with hearts don’t understand their philosophy, actions and scope of growth in making career as custodians!

No holy book has ever laid down anything which gives to these powerful masons of this emotionally degraded dynasty, where exploitation is their fundamental right, weapons their ornaments and subjects are slaves and occupation is all about initiating riots, battles, lynching, crimes, etc., any right to bring shame to the humanity.

These custodians of religions along with the loyal followers have taken control of mind and body of the innocents and poor, objectifying the soul. These are the real trespassers to souls but they are free – free to harm, free to kill and free to bribe. Holiness redefined!
Conclusively, now abstract elements of innocence, morality, ethics and values have modified their forms, respectively, so as to suit to the needs of the authoritative self-declared representatives of God, ‘right’ trespassers and few politicians.

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