I wrote your failure somewhere..
Where did I keep it?

I wrote your death somewhere..
Did I eat it?

Last night, I ripped off your passion somewhere..
Whom did I give it?

Last autumn, I colored your faded soul somewhere..
Where did I shelve it?

Last winter, I froze your blood somewhere..
Did I keep it in the fridge?

Last morning, I clouded your thoughts somewhere..
Where are they now?

Paradoxical thoughts and a less considerate being..
I loved you like a child's first cry..

Selfish and mean a being..
I wanted you to stay with me..
Till eternity..

Suspicious neighbors ask me about the stink they get every moment.

I hurl them abuses saying..
"It's your sinned soul that stinks..
The dirty mind you have"
And I slam the door..

Only lord knows..
The pleasure in making love with you..
Since two years..

When you lie with blank eyes..
Static breath..
Cold body..
And soulless.