As a drop falls on the eyelid,
getting soaked in the warmth of the skin.
It leaves a unique emotion inside,
like a relief in the day's kith and kin.
The clouds ring the bells of homecoming,
with it's chariot of drops.
Quenching the thirst of every flower that's budding,
with the wave of love that wont stop..

Amidst these thunders loud and lovely,
Amidst the lights good and glowing.
Stands a cupid waiting for a target,
whose sorrows he can kill and make him forget.
forget all worries and feel the pinch of love,
the feeling of care that's as soft as a dove.

The smell of ground makes me feel for her,
And every splash takes us more closer.
Realizing that the silence of pain is now over,
And its just the storm of love that's gonna hover.

The first rain has a unique emotion,
of love, oneness, care and..

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