Manatha Sri Jagan Natha
-My Lord is the Lord of Creation
Mad Guru Sri Jagad Guru
-My Master is the Master of the Universe
Madathma Sarva Bhutatma
-My Soul is the Soul of Every Living Being
Tas Mai Sri Guruve Namah
-I Bow Down to the Glory of My Guru Dev

Today is GURU PURNIMA!....
Time to celebrate and cherish the presence of GURU TATTVA in our lives. I feel so blessed to have it and so does everybody else, in some form or the other whether they acknowledge it or not.
Guru is not just one person or a human being.
The literal meaning of Guru is gyaan, whether through a human being or otherwise. It is a source of knowledge and awareness in our lives. There can be various such sources. We can learn from everything, living or non-living. Anything or anyone who teaches us or is a source of any learning experience in our lives could be our guru.
Life is suppose to be a learning experience. It is a continuous process. We need to maintain our outlook as a student.
On this occasion, I would like to acknowledge the GURU TATTVA present in my life. Not just for today but for every coming day for the next year and the rest of my life…. Jai gurudev :)

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