Dwarfed is Helen by your looks; stumped is Cleopatra by your wits,
Shaken is Penelope by your faith, marooned is Victoria by your strength,
For, just perfect, there is no one but thee, as you continue to instill awe in me.

Blue moon day, it had to be; your first glimpse, when I got to see,
Filled was my life with ecstasy, and weaved were my dreams with fantasy.
In times of such banality, Is it just a matter of my serendipity?
Or a willful trick of his almighty, to come across some one of such fine quality.

Genius in the day and gorgeous by night, you seem like a star that is shining bright,
Refreshing are you like a breath of fresh air, and your company is nothing but just an Elixir.

Tags: Love, Woman

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