Being a school teacher is no sinecure and being good teacher is very difficult as one needs to be amicable enough for students to approach one, patient enough to handle them well when they behave unruly,winsome enough to hold their attention for an hour or more and charismatic enough to inspire them to constantly challenge themselves however being a good moral science teacher is extremely difficult, if not impossible as one needs to have all the traits of good teacher along with the ability to preach virtues that are certain to be absent in the real bad world. The moral science teacher is at odds with the society all the time

Students think of the course as a necessary evil without even an examination. Parents think of it as a much needed relief to their overstressed wards burdened by the study of the so called more important subjects such as Math,Science, economics etc.

Parents absolutely and intentionally ignore the fact that no subject is more or less important than the other at school as they lay the foundation of ethics and framework of character that shape our personality and make us well groomed human beings before we specialize to become engineers, doctors,lawyers etc.

Schools think of moral science education as a matter of compliance and the teacher as an avoidable expense. Media thinks of it as a matter of lip service. Society thinks of moral education as a matter of inconvenience and moral science teacher as a loser doing a menial task

Yet it is the moral education and moral science teacher the world needs the most !

Dedicated to the passionate moral science teacher that I never had 

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