The Last Goodbye
The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last. But goodbyes hurt more when we know it is for the last time. So last goodbye, that is something which is there in everyone’s life. Last goodbye is the worst thing happen to one’s life. For me its like a last fruit on a tree, its like when there is no petals on a Rose, that’s what last good bye is!!Goodbye, a man never knows how to say a goodbye and a woman never knows when to say it. Good bye is as good as a Thank you but when we know it is for the last time then it is one of the hardest thing to do.The last goodbyes are not known, it just appear we don’t know when will be the day to say a last goodbye to the one, to whom we are afraid to say even a good bye when they left for few moment. But Last Goodbye is sometimes necessary for u, for the one u don’t wanna say it to.
Its always hard to say Good Byeto someone you feel could be so right for you.Sometimes, life just gets in the way.All you can do is hope them the best and may be ONE DAY you will CROSS paths Again….

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