Hey XYZ,
How are you, hope you are doing fine.
Well this is not exactly a formal letter as you see I started it like this but rather this a confessional one.
It’s been a long time since we have talked to each other. We started as a two strangers. We have actually never met each other but I don’t know why I have developed quite some feeling s for you. You as I have always stated have a special place in my life. You are one of those people who can change my mood and my mind at any point of time. I have talked to you about anything and everything and sometime urged you as well to do the same. But rarely have you opened up to me, but whenever you did it was something that had bugged you for quite some time.
You are that small ray of light which appears when we near a tunnel.
You are the most precious friend I have got.
Please all be like that and never ever go away from me.

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