One of the favourite chores of Indians is to look out for things which they have kept somewhere and then forgotten. The things range from some important papers of a man to some accessory of a woman to a toy of a child. One of the most common sentences heard in households is “ Have you seen this thing ?” The brunt of not finding the thing in their place is often bore by the children who are then profusely told how notorious they are.
Coming back to our main topic of discussion, I have often wondered through my childhood, why can’t we just call out to the things we misplace. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just get some signals of the ball when it used to get lost in the bushes. What a harrowing time we used to have as children, though finding it along with friends had its own charm. The other thing which I often rue is that spectacles should have something which would make it easy to locate. It is absolutely a herculean task for a person to locate his or her spectacles when it goes missing.
However the advent of mobile phones often makes me wonder, what if we can give a miss call to all those misplaced things. How wonderful it would be. Often when the mobile phones get lost within the creases of the bedsheet or within the piling books, it is often a miss call from a friend’s phone which comes to our rescue (provided one has the habit of keeping their phones in the ringing mode and not have it in the perennial silent mode). Yes there are different types of people when it comes to the mode they keep.
Type A is one which simply can’t be kept away from their phones.
Type B are those who are just simply indifferent to the phones.
Type C are those who don’t want the phones to disturb them while they are at work, and often it is difficult to trace such kind of people.
Rest all other types would be subtypes of these categories.
However the crux of the discussion is imagine a place where you want to find your spectacle and you can just give a missed call to it. Looking for that elusive document which you are unable to locate, don’t worry the miss call will help.
Just amazing, just when I used to think the same concept could be applied to the watch, companies are coming up with smart watches and I am waiting for the time when the technology will be there which will put sensors on almost everything. Wow, it would be just like Transformers or Matrix.

I just hope in all this madness we don’t lose out the tiny bit of humanness which remains in us. I wish these crazy concepts remain a hypothesis and the humanness triumphs over the technology craziness taking over, using it as an enabler and not as the foundation.

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