He Steps His Mighty Step

Evil Manifested

73 months of Tribulation..Winter

Tanana Valley………………….

Chris Senior addressed the Northern Force who were present at the table in the kitchen, “How are you and Izzy doing? Are you guys ready to help me plan the memorial for Margret and Pastor Nick? I probably need some help. This whole thing is getting to my….I guess you could say my confidence is shaken. I’ll be OK, but…I miss my pastor.”

Chris junior swallowed a bite of cereal and answered his Dad, “I know, Dad, we will help you. Winter is here and Jose and I are have been doing a little hunting and gathering of fire wood. We may need a lot this winter…I don’t really know.”

When the conversation had ceased, Chris senior abruptly left the room without speaking. Izzy and Jenise walked into the kitchen each carrying a twin with Julie and Little Liz walking hand in hand behind them.
Jenise began speaking, “Wow, almost the whole family is here except the most important,… my Jose. Have you seen him, Junior?”

Junior looked up from his breakfast and said, “Haven’t seen him. Thought he’d be with you…..Hi, my sweet wife and child.”

Julie with a pompous look on her face answered her Dad, “Dad!! Liz and I aren’t ‘childs’ anymore….We are big girls…” Julie raised three fingers in the air.

Izzy spoke, “That’s right, Julie…you keep reminding your Daddy of that…He forgets how old I am, too.”
The grownups all laughed out loud while the two little three year old girls giggled in unison.

Jenise quipped, “Izzy, I guess your hubby isn’t going to answer my question. Don’t know why. Is he keeping a secret?”
Izzy quickly answered, I’m not sure….Junior, do you know where Jose is?”

“It’s a surprise….I was told…Better shut up, Chris Junior…before…Speaking of the devil….”

Jose walked into the kitchen and everyone cheered including the two children. Jenise began, “Jose, where you been….The boys….is your turn to…”

Jose inserted instantly, “Junior and I have to get things set up for the memorial….I’m sorry, babe, but…”

“I’m sorry, José, I forgot.” Jenise answered.

Junior spoke, “Dad is all out of sorts with all this stuff with Pastor Nick…We need to pray for him. Jose, we will let him stay here and rest. We can run up to the entrance and check the situation out. The boats are still hidden near the old highway. Besides firearms, that’s all we’ll need for now.”

Jose and Jenise sat down at the table each with a twin boy. The big girls, Julie and Liz, found a chair on each side of junior. Izzy prepared some food for the girls and the twin boys.

David walked into the kitchen gathering looking for something to eat, and then he quipped, “Aw, Izzy, you are fixing your Dad a little something to snack on? It seems I haven’t eaten since breakfast…Ha,Ha….By the way, does anyone know what’s wrong with Mr. Meyers, Chris? He didn’t look to good when he went out to the entrance.”

Chris Junior replied, “He’s still hurting about Nick….Maybe we should all stop for a moment and pray…What do you think Izzy and Jose? What he said earlier didn’t set with me very well.”

Jose answered, “Let me do the honors…. Dear, God, our leader is going through some difficult things. Please, dear Lord, he needs your help, right now. Give him your everlasting strength to handle one of his best friends returning to you. Help him to be the leader you have called him to be. Thank, you, God.”

Chris Senior walked into the room about the time Jose finished his prayer. The Force leader inserted, “Thanks, family and friends for that great prayer. I can feel it working already. David, I’m sorry if I seemed abrupt earlier. I had a lot on my mind.”

David Answered, “No problem, good friend and father-in-law to my daughter. This is really good times being here with my sweet grandchild, Julie and all you great people….Julie, come and see grandpa.”

Julie looked at her mom with food all over her three year old face, and Izzy nodded to say yes. The little Meyers wiped her face with a napkin as best she could and timidly walked over to David. While everyone was watching quietly she reached out her arms to her grandpa and the he picked her up and swung her in the air.

Julie giggled and laughed while David tickled her tummy. The family and friends, after eating a little more, all moved into the family area that was prepared with a large screen TV.

The TV began to broadcast the news, “This is the latest from UW news here in Babylon….The Supreme Leader and our god is finalizing his plans to travel around the world proclaiming his godhood. He plans to go to London in the northern sector and into the American territory near what use to be called Atlanta….It is now called Atlantis. Our god will also travel to the eastern colonies to recruit more troops for the great Battle in Megiddo. At present our troops are gathering but their opponent has not yet arrived.”
“This is the latest from Babylon…Stay tuned for more information of our god’s trip abroad.”

Christ Senior stood up and announced, “He’s not my god and he can go anywhere he wants….but stay out of Alaska.”
Everyone in the room laughed and then they clapped in approved of what the leader had said.

Tanana Valley……………….two days later

“Attention everyone!!” Chris Junior announced. “Dad wanted me to let everyone know that the memorial service for Margaret and Pastor Nick Jones will be at the old park entrance in the Headquarter building. It’s still pretty much still intact. We will transport people there as many as we can. We have two large watercraft ready….We can carry maybe half the adults. The children will stay here with Izzy in charge. She wants to go but someone needs to stay and hold down the ship.”

Junior continued, “There is not a lot of threat from the UW at this moment. We heard that Penelope and her friend were seen in Nenana looking around. We will keep plenty of security on this end with some of our new guys….just for that purpose. Any questions or suggestions?”

Jenise raised her hand shyly, “I heard that some of the….that is, maybe Penny and Vicki might be here for the memorial…kind of a reunion of sorts?”

Junior answered, “I’m not sure, but I think they are trying to come at least to fellowship with us. The Sarge and his family may be here, as well.”

The Force dispersed throughout the cave and the buzz all over the place was the possible reunion of some that had received Christ since the Rapture. Chris Senior and Chris Junior walked outside toward the opening.

“Dad, are you going to be alright with this memorial? I’m not comfortable about using the Headquarters.”

“As I recall, dear son, you weren’t comfortable about your wedding either and look what happened. Maybe we should have it here, instead. It will be safer for everyone and less stress. We might have to assist Penny and the others in Fairbanks, as well.”

“Dad, I’m glad you are around…Izzy will be pleased, as well as Jose and Jenise. I’ll send the word around. Should we do it the same day we planned?”

“Yep, let’s do it that day….A week from today. Christmas Day.”

Junior started to leave. He quickly turned around and asked, “Christmas Day?….Oh, my, Izzy!!…..I have to tell Izzy….I have a plan.”

Tanana Valley…….Christmas Eve

The meeting room had a big decorated Christmas tree positioned in the middle of the room. Wrapped presents surround the tree staked two feet high. Everyone was in a festive mood. Julie ran around pretending to an angel giving everyone gifts, even though all she was doing was ‘pretending.’ Little Liz sat quietly and watched her niece and she laughed.

Izzy and Jenise walked hectically back and forth between the kitchen and the meeting room. Jose sat on the large couch corralling the twin boys the best he could while Junior watched Liz and Julie.

The powers to be planned an extravagant Christmas
celebration, the day before the memorial; including a cute little play and since there were guest, lots of food.
The two girls were in the middle of preparation for the big doings, and they had plenty of help from Jason and Christina who had written a Christmas play including a manger scene and a baby Jesus.

It’s was a treat for many of the older Force members. Penny, Vicki, her husband, Sarge, and Jen Anderson and her baby Ruth came down from Fairbanks for the big party and memorial. They brought a few homemade presents for some of their old friends and were ready to fellowship and gain some new friends.

When everything was in place, the party committee decided that they would have the Christmas Story and play at the beginning; then everyone would eat afterwards.

The girls had planned for roasted wild turkey and fried moose steaks along with some vegetables they had canned the summer before. They baked potatoes, homemade bread and lots of cakes and pumpkin pies.

It was time to start so Jose grabbed his guitar and began to play. ‘Silent Night’ flowed from the strings of his instrument in a melodic fashion and then he began to sing, “Silent night, holy night. All is calm and all is bright. Round yon virgin, mother and child. Holy infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace.”

The Hispanic musician continued singing the second and third verses as a troupe of would be actors came up to the front while a hundred others watched. There was a small manger with a baby doll as Jesus. Several three year old and older children played shepherds and wise men, and little Mary and Joseph stood next to Jesus.

Jose continued to play softly as the actors, with help from Jenise and Izzy, handed out presents to everyone in the room. Each family got a larger gift, the children received homemade fudge, and everyone got to open a small surprise gift. There were smiles everywhere.

When the gifts were gone from under the tree, they sang several other old Christmas hymns and choruses. There was a joyous spirit among the whole congregation until Jessie, the front sentry came running into the meeting room. He went straight to Chris Senior.

“Chris, something strange is going on down at the river below us. I think we should shut down the celebration for a little while, at least.”

Chris waved his hands for everyone to stop and listen and then he spoke softly, “Pass the word. We may have intruders down at the river below. This is an emergency….Everyone, grab a bit of the food for your family and head back to your own places at least till we see what’s up….Junior come with me and Jessie to the entrance. We need the generators shut down and lights out up here in front.”

The three friends ran to the entrance and then came to a screeching halt as they observed what looked like a posse of men down in the valley on horses. It was still light and Chris and junior thought they could recognize one or two of the men.

Several minutes later the strangers on horseback had moved south down the Nenana River toward Lake Healy. Chris Junior followed them with his binoculars.

“Dad, it’s them and him…I thought he was long gone.”

Chris Senior stared up the river and then spoke, “Yep, we need to hold our Christmas celebrations down a little and keep track of these guys. Got any ideas?”

Jessie shyly added, “How bout if Jose, Chris Junior and I use the snow gos and keep an eye on them. You stay here and take charge of the guest and the rest. We can make it back for the memorial in the morning.”

“Good idea, Jessie. Is that alright with you Junior? We need to check with Jose.”

Junior inserted, “You need to check with Jenise and the twins.”
All three force members laughed together as they began preparation for their next duty.

Jessie and Junior gassed the snow machines up while Chris Senior got permission for Jose to join the intelligence gathering team. Jenise understood the importance of this mission and the twins just said, ‘dadda.’

The Christmas party still continued in the cave but more subdued than at the beginning. Penny spent time with Jenise and her twins and helped the young mom corral the youngsters while Jose was gone.

Chris senior walked back into the almost empty meeting room when he spotted the Sarge sitting on the couch with his chin on his chest.
Chris asked politely, “Sarge, what’s up? Where are Vicki and your new baby?”

“Hi, Chris, she’s back with Jen and her baby and with Izzy. I’m still not comfortable with all this religious, huggy, kissy stuff. I don’t mean to offend but…I did pray up there with Pastor Nick a few months ago…but now he’s gone. I could talk to him but Vicki is still…She’s young in the faith, too. She sometimes tears into me when I doubt. I love her and all…but it hurts.”

“Son, we all go through stuff like this no matter how long we have known the Lord. Remember Nick and I were once Christians before the Rapture and we are here…only because we couldn’t handle the very challenges that you are going through. We were only victorious, to a degree, …because of God’s grace. We just have to push through all this petty stuff and reach the victory. Only a few more months. Why don’t you guys stay with us until the Glorious Appearing?”

“That’s up to Vicki…I’ll talk to her….I’m still not sure about this Glorious Appearing stuff either. If we stay here you can walk us through all of this stuff. Nick tried to but he had others to preach to.”

“Sounds good to me, son. Let’s pray for a moment, shall we?”

“Let’s do it.”

Chris reached his hand to touch Sarge’s shoulder and then began, “Dear, God, ruler of the universe and protector of our souls, minister to my brother tonight. Give him assurance of your grace to him and his salvation. Show him through your Word, your promises to us. Be with his family and bring them together in all that they do. Thank you again, Lord for your grace. Amen.”

“Thanks, Chris…I felt His presence in your prayer for the first time in a long time. I sure miss Nick.”

“Me, too, Sarge, me too.”

The two friends shook hands and hugged tightly. As they both started to leave, Vicki came into the room carrying their baby.

Vicki spoke, “There you are, my awesome hubby…..Hi, Chris……You guys been talking?”

The Sarge answered timidly, “Yes, we have. Good stuff.” He smiled broadly.

Chris smiled and quietly walked away while the couple sat together on the couch playing with their baby. For most people in this part of the world, this big cave was a refuge from the storm.

Tanana Valley……Christmas Day

Everyone gathered in the meeting room on this sad but incredible day. This is the day the Northern Force would honor their pastor and his wife after their terrible murder near Ester, Alaska a month earlier.

Chris Senior stood before the crowd and spoke, “Good morning on this bright Christmas Day. This is not my usual thing to do. In the past Pastor Nick would direct the services for those fallen in our midst. I’m prepared but humbled in this potion.”

“Let’s pray before we begin. Heavenly Father, who knows everything, we again are here before your throne. Comfort us on our loss as we celebrate the life of Nickolas Jones and Margaret Jones. We don’t know where there last remains are but you know. We bless this service to your glory and everyone says AMEN.”

The congregation repeated the AMEN together.

Chris continued, “This morning, according to my script that Izzy helped me write, I’m supposed to share with you’re the life of Nick and Margaret. I know very little of the lives of these two dear people, but I know a little of the last six years of their lives.”
“First of all, according to what we already knew, Nickolas Jones was born in Seattle, Washington back in the sixties. He came to Alaska back in the eighties where he pastored a few churches. He moved to Healy 10 years ago. His first wife went to be with the Lord on the day of the Rapture six years ago. Some of you were there in December, a couple years ago, when Pastor Nick married Margaret Jones.”

“Before the Rapture I barely knew Nick. I knew of him but he says he was a very self oriented person. Of course, we know of him as the opposite of that. Many of you, including myself and my family, came to know Jesus through him and because of him. That’s why this memorial is so dear to many of us.”

“I’ve done enough talking. I’ve asked Penny to tell us about Margaret. She lived right across the highway from her. Penny.”
Penny walked to the front and stood at the makeshift podium for a moment the she spoke, “I’m not a speaker as you will be able to understand by the time I’m done, but my love for Margaret compels me.“

“She was more than my neighbor.” As she talked, Penny began to cry and did the best to compose herself so she could continue.

“I’m sorry for the tears….these are the first today for my friend. Anyway, you all know she was a nurse. She and Joe were like a mother and father to me after Mom and Dad passed. They were at the service at the Catholic Church and were the first to comfort me and Auntie. Later as some of you know, she was there for my aunt when she was really sick.”

“I’ll close with this; Margaret was a servant. She didn’t make a big deal of her service or what she did for people but many in this room can attest to her persistence in taking care of us. She lived in Alaska most of her life and learned to survive in harsh situations. She showed undeserving love to us just like Jesus does every day. Thank you,”

Penny wiped the tears from her eyes and sat down with the rest of her friends. Chris returned to the front with Chris Junior behind him.
Junior began to speak, “Dad and I would like to invite others who would want to stand where you are and say some words about our dear Pastor and his wife.”

Almost everyone there took a few minutes to pay tribute to Nick and Margaret. Tears flowed and hearts were touched with the words that day.

Those who didn’t need to return to Fairbanks were invited to stay in the cave as long as they wished. They were told of the danger of traveling north currently. Most decided to stay at least a little longer.

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