He Steps His Mighty Step
Two: Geo and the Missionaries

75 months of Tribulation…Spring


Joseph and Geo walked freely in downtown Jerusalem. Their destination this morning was the Wailing Wall near the old temple site. When they arrived at the sacred site many others were praying. The two friends bowed at the wall and began to pray.

Geo earnestly called on God, “God, protect my dear friends in Alaska until you come. Give them insight into your will. Help them touch lives for your kingdom before it’s too late.”

Geo lifted his hands to heaven as Joseph continued praying. The missionary and evangelist, set aside by God along with 144,000 other chosen ones, cried out to God in anguish for the souls of millions who have not yet taken the mark of the beast. His and Geo’s goal in the next few months, before the Glorious Appearing, was to travel the country side, as Jesus did, and compel the lost to come in.

When the prayer time was completed, the two friends embraced and walked away arm in arm. They were ready for what God had for them, today.

As Geo and Joseph walked back through the old city, and into the Garden of Olives, near the ancient tomb, the evangelists discussed with Geo what they would be doing these next few months before the Glorious Appearing.

“Geo, I feel like the Lord would have us, you and I, and others, travel up to old Galilee by car or airplane and then walk the path Jesus walked the last few weeks of his earthly ministry. He has shown me that during this time many who have not taken the mark will be journeying to the old city for Passover and they will walk the same path we will walk.”

Geo asked, “We will walk and minster wherever and whenever possible?”

“We will expect miracles to happen along the way just like Jesus did. The Spirit is telling me…we need to start at ancient Cana which is just north of Nazareth. You’ve never been there have you, Geo?”

“No, Jesus’ home for thirty years? And his family? No, I’m looking forward to seeing it.”

“Shall we begin by finding some transportation to Galilee?”


Joseph and Geo surveyed the area near Kafr Kenna a few miles north of Nazareth. Joseph spoke to Geo and the others traveling with them, “Most scholars say this is the location of ancient Cana. It’s still a very small village and we will speak to people here, today. We will expect a miracle from God as we proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah.”

“Just remember as we minister that the UW will be watching and doing what they can to obstruct what we will do.”

Geo asked, “Well, then shall we go.”

“Yes, this way.”

The Evangelists and Geo, with Joseph leading, walked from street to street visiting with the local people. They prayed with just about everyone they met.

It was near dusk when Joseph and his team noticed a crowd that had gathered on the path they were walking. At first, Joseph stopped and the rest followed suit. They all watched and listen as the strangers were discussing and auguring about whether the Supreme Leader was really a god.

Joseph stepped into the crowd and motion to the rest to stay where they were. The evangelist breathed a quiet prayer then waited and listened.

Immediately one of the strangers asked Joseph, “You are a visitor here. What do think of this matter of which we speak?”

The evangelist pushed himself into the center of the crowd and then he began, “Everyone, please listen to me. How many of you standing here around me have taken this mark that the Supreme Leader as required us to take?”

Each looked at the other and then looked at the evangelist. They weren’t sure what to say. They talked among themselves saying that this man must be from the authorities so none of them wanted to say anything.

A spokesman for the group stepped up to Joseph and asked him, “Why do you ask us whether we have taken the mark? Are you UW?”

Joseph quickly responded, “No, I have been sent by the Lord God almighty, the maker of heaven and earth. I have come to speak to you of Jesus who walked this very path and who was murdered just a few short miles from here. I have come to help you all find life in Jesus.”

A stranger in the back of the crowd called out, “But Gutierrez says he’s god. And some of us believe him. He came back from the dead…We saw it on the TV.”

Another person said, “Yeh, we have been hearing for years that the Messiah was coming..I believe he is the Messiah.”

The whole crowd was stirred by what they had just heard and some of them started to walk away.
Joseph again spoke with anointing, “I have come to you today to tell you, He is coming. The Messiah that the prophets have talked about for many centuries is coming and will place his mighty foot on the Mount of Olives in just a few months, but if you take the mark you will be eternally dammed. “

The whole crowd heard and listened to what the evangelist had to say. Several walked away sadly. It was discovered later that they had already taken the mark.

The crowd that remained asked Joseph many questions and he explained to them from the Word the prophecies of Messiah and how they were fulfilled in the man Jesus. The evangelist went on to say that Jesus was born as a man in Bethlehem and lived for thirty years near where they were standing right now.

Joseph told the people how easy it was to except the Lord as their Savior and confess their sins. Many were convicted and were eager to change their lives.

The believers that were with the evangelists and as well as Geo, prayed with those who want to accept Jesus as their Messiah.

Just as most of the prayers were completed gun shots were heard near the gathering. One of the individuals who had just accepted Christ was shot in the middle of the road, and lie bleeding on the ground in front of Geo. Everyone scattered and found cover from the gunfire, accept for Geo and Joseph.

Geo, full of the Holy Spirit, walked boldly to the man bleeding in the street. He reached out his hand to touch the young man and a bullet flew just past his head.

The old trapper, made bold by the Spirit, called on the name of Jesus and the man on the ground immediately lifted his head out of the dirt. The wounded man looked up and Geo offered him his hand, and he helped the young man to his feet.

Once on his feet, the man, Joseph and Geo walked arm in arm down the road. All three men rejoiced because this man who was once wounded and bleeding was instantly healed when Geo prayed.


The crowds followed Joseph, Geo and the evangelist as they walked toward the old town of Nazareth. The curious people had heard of the miracles and they wanted to know more information about the soon return of their long awaited Messiah.

Everywhere they went in Jesus’ home town, crowds surrounded the evangelist and they were asked to perform miracles and those who were sick came to be healed. The young and the old were curious and watched from the door ways of their homes as the team walked by.

Geo and Joseph watched the crowd with curiosity as well as suspicion. Many UW followers watched and reported back to authorities everything they observed. Joseph knew that any day he and his troupe would again be confronted with trouble. He was ready for any trouble.

This particular evening they left Nazareth and walked toward the Sea of Galilee. Joseph felt the Spirit telling him to go to the sea. As they walked in the dusk near the Sea, Geo expressed his need to rest near a creek that ran into Galilee.

Joseph was concerned about Geo so he asked, “Geo, are you feeling OK? You don’t have to do all this walking with us if you body can’t take it.”

“I’m alright, Joseph, I just felt we needed to stop for some reason. Maybe there is someone here we are to minister to…Just have a feeling.”

“Let’s have someone retrieve us some food, what do you say my Alaskan friend?”
“Sounds good…A little earthy nutrition..”

Joseph asked one of the younger evangelists, Peter, if he could run to a town and get them some burgers. The young man was eager to help and told the leader that he knew of a place close by. Peter took orders from the group, grabbed a friend and left immediately.

The young man had not returned an hour later so Joseph started to worry about him. He asked Geo if he had enough rest and Geo said he had, so they went looking for Peter and his friend.

The evangelist knew the general direction Peter would travel. He asked several people along the way if they had seen a young man with a friend walking this direction. No one gave them a descent answer.

Geo suggested to Joseph that they stop for a second and they did. The evangelist thought maybe Geo was getting weak again from their walking.

Geo suggested,” Joseph let’s say a quick prayer.” So they did.

When they looked up after their prayer they could see in the dim light two young men walking with a couple large bags in their direction.

Joseph called out, “Peter is that you….We thought you went to New York to get our burgers. Are you guys alright?”

Peter quickly saw his friends and spoke, “Yes and no. We thought we were going to be put in jail when some UW officers stopped us an hour and a half ago. We were running with money in our and they assumed we just robbed someone or something.”

The other young man continued, “We thought they would ask to see our marks but Peter here whispered a prayer and …they didn’t even ask. I guess that it was a miracle cuz then didn’t take us to the police station or anything.”

Geo smiled broadly and looked at Joseph and he smile back. Geo inserted, “God works in mysterious ways……”

Joseph replied, “He sure does.”

The next morning after getting plenty of sleep in a hotel, the troupe began to walk down the Jordan River Basin to a refugee camp that they had heard about a couple of weeks before. They were told that many of these homeless people had not taken the mark and were spiritually and physically in need of healing.
When they arrived still with hundreds following them, Joseph, Geo and the other evangelists walked throughout the camp being led by the Spirit, they ministered to hundreds of people.

A young man who was blind came to see the light. Several who were lame, walked again. The only thing that stopped the miracles for the evening was that it started to get dark. The refugees had to be in their huts for the night according to the camp rules.

Joseph decided that they would then go from hut to hut ministering. The camp was alive with those who came to know the Messiah, Jesus, that night.

Tired and exhausted, the team went down the river from the camp and slept for the night in the little village of Bet Shean near the junction of two major highways in Israel. There were so many people following them that it was difficult for the leaders to take the time and rest but they had to.

While they slept in a rented bungalow, Joseph and Geo were awakened by banging and knocking on the door. Geo opened the door only to see a UW official with a gun pointed in his face.
Joseph hollered back from his slumber, “Geo, who’s there?”

Geo quipped, “It’s the authorities, I guess.”

Quickly Joseph got presentable and walked to the door. Then he asked, “How can I help you good UW officer?”

The officer in charge answered, “Are you in charge of all these people who are sleeping out here across the street? They aren’t causing any problems but there surely is an awful lot of them. They say they have followed you all the way on foot from Nazareth. Is that true?”

“Guilty, but we didn’t ask them to. We have been spreading good will wherever we go, so I guess that’s why the people follow us. “

Joseph pushed his way past the officers, walked across the street, and pointed toward the crowd then he spoke again, “See that young man with the yellow shirt…? He was blind and now he can see. Over here gentlemen….See this lady right here. Her hands were so crippled with arthritis but now she’s well. These people follow us because the God we serve does miracles still today.”

The UW officers looked at each other and looked back to the crowd. In a few minutes they were gone.

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