He had gone before I was born and she after , leaving me in the custody of a distant relative who was more than happy to get a servant for free .

My days of penury seemed to have clutched an endless time period leaving me stranded all alone with little hope of reverence of the circumstances .

When luck finally arrived one day in the form of a middleman , who was in search of new laborers needed to work in a power loom in some distant place where people of my village usually flocked in numbers .

Overcoming my initial hesitance I decided to give in as I was tempted with the offer which provided me the only scope of escaping from this life of servitude that neither gave me good food nor money .

“ With two pieces of clothing and a rugged shoe as my companion , I stepped out of my old home to venture in to a new world where undeclared opportunities awaited me “ said the young entrepreneur receiving a thunderous applause from the awe struck gathering .

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