As mesmerising as they were, her eyes told me what was going on in her mind, and I saw love, affection and the feeling that she’s safe every time she’s with me. Lying there on my shoulder, on that lonely bench in the park that day, I thought , and I remembered that we first went there as friends, but that evening we sat there not only as friends, but as people who had found their other half, the other half of the heart and of the soul, facing the sea we sat, watching the sky show all its magnificent hues at sunset, bright orange with streaks of gold here and there, which then turned to crimson red, which then slowly faded to dark.

A window to her mind was not all that her eyes were, those beautiful brown eyes, when I looked into them felt deeper than any ocean, clearer than crystal, and it felt like they were in some way my ticket to another world, a world where none of my problems bothered me, a world, for just me and her, a world so beautiful that I wished I could just stay there forever with her. But then she waved her hand in front of my face, breaking my trance, dragging me back to the real world all my problems were back and the phone call I received from my boss just as we were talking that evening proved it.

How does she do this? how does she calm me down when I’m angry, convince me it’s alright when I’m broken all with just a look? How does she do the things no one’s ever done to me? Then I was starting to believe in the ‘Soul Mate’ theory. I’d read about how Soul Mates can influence each other, make each other happy, and how they were just meant to be happily together, always and forever.

Now here I am thinking of that evening, a week before we got married, and I turn around to see my wife, cuddling my baby, who’s a year old now, looking at his cute smile, smiling every time he tries to grab her nose. Her beautiful brown eyes, filled with happiness , being sure that he’ll grow up to be a strong man one day, as she hugs the child and kisses him on the cheek , and I remembered what my mind told me that evening at the park, “You've found your other half , and this is what is meant to be”.

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