The time waits for none,
It was sweet sixteen,  
as he was tall, and handsome,
no eye would pass-by
without a sight at him
though he was
looking for the one,
and  none would resist
his gentlemanliness
but he knew, that,
She wasn't around yet

As the time waits for none,
grew, his longing for her,
as the time passed-by,
as never before
though he knew
that She wasn't around  yet
though none could resist  him
with his chivalry at its best
but he knew  
that She wasn't around yet

as the days fly,
as the time waits for none,
his shoulders, broader than ever,
him manlier than ever
him looking for her
as eager as ever
he wished, he had, the time machine,
as it was time to tell.
but he knew  
that She wasn't around yet

as the clock ticks,
as the time waits for none,
as the garden turned greener,
as the birds were more merrier,
with the earth feeling happier,
all of a sudden, but this time,
he knew, it was her,
as she was around,
not far from reach
he knew, it was her.

As the moment arrived
as the time waits for none,
as they happen to meet
as the nature would want them to
as their eyes met
they knew the other half
as instant as it was
with no one to stop
they were in each other's lap.

It was the day with Garlands and Trumpets
as the time waits for none,
with Parents, with their blessings
with all the Gods and Angels at the venue
with Pandits presiding over the ceremony
with all all their blessings,
the couple, were happily married forever
and for all,
it was heaven on earth,
forever, ever after.

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