~"What is so special about me?",i scowled.

"Brother doesn't do well in studies,you don't say anything but why do you act like this only when i don't do well?",i questioned.

Even before he could answer,i slammed the door behind him and left the house.

I walked with a lot of questions in my mind.I didn't know where i was going,i just had to get away from my father.Anyone who visit's my house asks me what my future plans are,"Honestly,why the fuck do you want to know about my plans?",is what i always wanted to say.Because they don't ask it out of concern for me,the next moment i say something they just want to show off their sons or daughters who are doing extremely well.

'HONK! HONK!',i hadn't realized that i was in the middle of a road.I didn't give about other people abusing me badly.I saw a tram coming and i hopped into it.I did that when ever i felt low,go around the city till i finally lose the heat from my head.

I saw a guy,sitting right across to my seat,staring at the world.It was the same look i had,but our feelings were different.I felt anger where as he felt sorrow.

I went over to him and asked,"Run away?".He replied with a gloomy yes.

"I am Rakesh",i introduced myself.

"My name's Rakesh too",he replied.

I was glad i found someone to share my feelings with."So,what's your story?",i nudged him.He turned his head away from me and started looking outside the window,suggesting he didn't want to talk about it.

"Look,i just wanted to be supportive.It's okay if you don't want to talk.I don't mind",i said.

"It's not about not wanting to share it with you,i don't think you are mature enough to understand what i say".

"Well,let's see",i prodded him.

He looked at me,sighed,and changed the position in his seat.

"The problem in my life is my heart,it makes me feel guilty,every moment i live".

"I don't get it",i shrugged.

"Well,I have always been a top notch student until my tenth class but things changed after that.I fell for the temptations the outside world offers you.I got dragged away from my responsibilities.Because of this where ever i go,i end up being an embarrassment to my father.",he held his head low.

"Why do you think so? just because you don't study well,doesn't mean you are an embarrassment.I hate the world for making us think like this.Studies are not everything.",i said,intending to make him feel better.

"Yes,what you said applies when i am not good at it.But that's not the case I am a brilliant student and there's nothing wrong in what my parent's expect from me.Some argue that parent's actually force their children to do something great.Yes,that's correct,but only very rare does that happen.This is how the world works.The way i see it,people have to work hard to flourish in their area of interest and when somebody like me is very good at studies then i have to be at my best to earn that respect from others,to make my parent's feel proud of me.After everything they've done to you,all they expect is for you to become successful in life and we think that they don't understand us and that they are spoiling our lives.Can't we at least try to excel and give them a better life?"

I didn't really understand what he meant but somehow what the question seemed to be changing my feeling.

What is it that i am feeling now,sorrow?...

Tags: Short Story

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