She never made any effort to change the dim light glowing at the corner of her small house, lighting up the room. That house could only accommodate two and a small table fan which she acquired from the house she used to work in. She was a single mother. After two years of her marriage, she gave birth to a baby girl and that year itself her husband took his last breath due to cancer. She was being symbolised as a black spot on the family as she a girl was born and the husband died too.

She was being kicked out from her in-law’s house and she made her way to this small little house with what she had. Her daughter never complained about the light, in fact she always seemed to be pretty happy to see that particular light glowing and her hairs being blown up the air of the table fan.

Every night they used to have dinner together, after working hard all day long as a maid, the dinner used to be her re-creation for. Her little daughter had the habit of noting down that her mother is having her dinner properly or not as earlier during the turbulence she skipped many a meal and felt extremely sick, and that little child got very much afraid of the situation. So she never wanted that to happen again.

The lady always prepared rice and egg for her child as it was her favourite dish. But she couldn’t afford two eggs a day so that she can feed herself too. As her child used to keep an eye on her food habit, she didn’t want to disappoint her any more. She used to smash the egg with the rice and mix it up with a bit of salt and pass it to her. But when it came to her plate, she mixed a bit of turmeric and salt to her rice and pretended that to be egg. As the daughter’s plate used to have a tinge of yellow clusters all over the rice because of the yolk she thought her mother had the same. As the light wasn’t that perfect and she was pretty young by age she couldn’t make out her mom’s trick to provide her a peaceful dinner.

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