The feeling which brought smile on my face is now the reason for tears which roll down my cheeks.
The feeling which I expressed with so much enthusiasm .. Did not take a single second to break me down ..
What I thought was right ...
Was never meant to be..
Writing to u daily was the most important thing ...
But in reality it was torture for u ..
Was the harsh reality of my present.
The future which I dreamt of being with u. ..
Was not even possible in the present ..
When I knew this day would come for sure ...
Why was I mad abt those feelings..
Which has no meaning in reality ...
Why was I part of that lie .. Which gave me happiness and sorrow at the same time ...
Why is that I ended up being enemy of myself ...
When I knew I could avoid all this .. Stillllll I was mad and is mad abt those feelings ...
Which belongs to none !????

Tags: Friendship

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