She walks tall, head held high
gentle yet firm
silent but confident
never idle, speaks little
not even a word
unnecessarily spoken, but carefully measured
as though they were doses of some urgent medication.

She stands with him neck to neck
not bent low, not a 'yes' woman
she speaks out her mind with conviction
boldly yet humbly
he listens, he knows
she's not out to topple him.

Her hands are busy
serving, stooping
to wash those dirty feet
forgiving, smiling yet believing
she's actually won 'em over.

Her outlook on life refreshingly positive
always cheerful and free
beauty not from outward layers made up
but emanating from within

Her candle never burns out
her smile never fades
so kindly and soothing
her actions louder than mere words
where can we find her
O that I could be this woman!

Tags: Women

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