"Pizza kaise order karte hai?" he asked me earnestly. I looked over, he was an Auto driver. He used to take me and my sister to school, years back and I being naturally a talkative girl was in contact with him even after i didn't need auto to reach my school.Now he took my younger cousin, who was 4, to school. "Umm...Just call kar k bata dena kon sa chahiye aapko." I replied. "Lekin wo inte saare hai, bacchiya zidd kar rahi hai ki pizza khana hai par mujhe samjh mei naii aa rha" He said, with his head slightly down. I smiled at him "Bhaiya! Mai aapki bacchiyo k liye Pizza le aaungi." With that i left before he could protest. Once in street, i started wandering with no particular place to reach. Walking down the street, I realized with a pang of pain that there were actually so many people who had never tasted Pizza. Let alone Pizza, there are some kids for whom even a packet of Lays is a really big thing.
We never seem to give a second thought to the fact that we are actually blessed. We have a roof over our head, a place to call home, a soft bed while there are some, younger than us, but still they battle with life on daily basis.
We are so oblivious to all this, lost in our own world that we fail to notice that some one just have 2 dresses when we whine about how we have nothing to wear with a wardrobe full of clothes. We never think what all some one would not give to be in our shoes.
Suddenly brought back to reality from my train of thoughts, I looked up and saw a lil kid looking at a shop with sad eyes. I bought a snicker and gave it to him. Instantly, his eyes lit up and skipped off.
I started towards home again with a heavy heart, knowing many people would sleep with their stomachs grumbling when i devour eggs....

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