I am in a dump.

I am hiding in a crap hotel, sitting on a lumpy mattress, sweating like a pig. The last one is courtesy of the government for providing us with a marvelous thing called power-cut. So yeah, I am in a dump.

Its hardly midnight. Its stifling hot here but i don't have the energy to go out for some fresh air, neither the inclination. I let my body slowly drench up as rivulets of sweat roll down my chin, over my bare torso, a bit itchy, a bit ticklish from the slow progression of the drops but they fail to give me any comfort. They fail to fulfill their purpose of existence.

At least they do have one. A purpose. The sweat drops know why they were created and what they were expected to do. They know that the body requires to maintain a certain temperature to function properly. If this temperature rises it secretes sweat. As the drop of sweat rolls down the body and comes in contact with a breeze of air, it begins to evaporate. This transfer of energy during evaporation has a cooling effect on the body which helps to bring the temperature back to normal. Thus with its end of existence it fulfills the purpose it was born for.

Why was I created? What's the purpose of my creation? And I don't mean it like, 'Oh God, What art thou planning for me?' kind of way. Nor do I mean it in the genetically coding and decoding kind of way. I mean it like.... i mean.... what will give me happiness? Satisfaction? A sense of fulfillment? A sense of being complete....

We humans are tricky that way. If I had been a rat my purpose in life would have been- survive, reproduce, make sure the progeny continues and die. If I had been a fish, any fish, my purpose in life would have been- survive, reproduce, make sure the progeny continues and die. If I had been anything other than a human my purpose in life would have been- survive, reproduce, make sure the progeny continues and then die. But alas, I AM a human.

This complicates things. A lot. I believe that all the evolution and adaptations that had been happening to all the species on our planets is the nature's way of equipping them to continue to survive and fulfill their above mentioned goals of existence. That's why when some measly reptiles were finding it too difficult to survive on land, she gave them these brand new things called wings and pointed them to a new territory called sky. Before that she had already given them land when the competition was becoming too tough for some of these critters in the water. Things were all fine and dandy for quite a few years after that as she continued to give them quite a few new gifts like strength, enhanced senses, ability to camouflage... Then she saw a slightly less hairy monkey which was neither a complete tree dweller nor a land dweller, neither totally herbivore nor carnivore. Neither too big so it could survive with brute sense nor too small so it could escape and hide easily. In short a totally pathetic species that was about to die. She decided to give it something totally new- a few extra brain cells and the ability to use them. Boy! Did that change things?!

P.S.- Damn! I am stuck here. I am totally deviating from the story. Or maybe.... I am still sticking to the vein- the purpose of life but that's not the topic of this story. It does help explain the narrators view of life and his personality. I can keep the whole evolution thing if i plan for 7000-8000 words short story instead of the 2000 words I was planning. Never was good in writing that short a story anyway.... I need to think on this some more....

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