With an orange coat and black stripes,
the Tiger lurches forward to give the hunter one last swipe.
Unable to do so it simply snaps,
and does not try to fight back.

It lay on the floor bleeding till death,
I knew not what to do.
I was really upset,
as I stood,to witness the Tiger's blood turn from red to blue.

It seemed to mock at me,
asking me whether this is the way one treats its national animal.
I don't know if there was anything impressive to see,
But I do know that everyone, from the fastest to the slowest animal came to attend the Tiger's funeral.

I should have never agreed to come with my uncle,
just to see animals die one by one.
I cracked my knuckles,
feeling worried over the fact that my uncle was actually having fun!

I felt wretched,
and rushed towards the Tiger to stop his wound from bleeding.
My uncle's warning seemed rather far-fetched,
for this hopeless animal who was growing weaker every second.

He looked so old,so aged,
But he was trying to be really brave.
There was nothing I could actually do,
As he slowly faded away.

I remember his face,
when on the verge of death.
I ran out of the cave and kept on running away,
from this cruel fate.

Suddenly moments earlier I remember seeing a sage,
But I was too late.
The sage was gone,
and so was the Tiger whom I had left alone to survive this terrible fate.

I couldn't do anything,
I sat there crying at the Tiger's fate.
I sat there,inside the cave,hopeless,
As I am uncle tried to fetch me out of the cave,in vain.

The incident has passed,since two years,
but I still remember it.
For the Tiger's sorrowful roar still rings in my ears,
Constantly reminding me of its national fame.

It still pains me,
to say that the Tiger is the national animal of my great nation.
Often out in the woods I see animals flee,
and then I am often reminded of the tiger,my dearest friend.....................

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