The plethora of emotions that were flowing inside him were enough for making an explosion that would have been unable to stop , but he rather thought that to say anything at that moment would probably be the biggest mistake he could commit. So he did what he thought would be the best thing to do , he let her head lean on his shoulder and savoir the moment forever,

Till that moment John did not know that such calm, composure and content was possible to achieve at one single moment. He did not know that sometimes the source of a person’s inner peace can be another being , that sometimes a “Touch” of someone else can penetrate our inner boundaries and set us free. That sometimes all we need to feel our soul is not our introspection but someone’s else eyes and their smile. But John realized all that when Dagny’s lips met his , when the sensation of her breath felt like his own , when he could not separate his own heartbeat from hers. He was not sure that anyone , even Dagny would have understood that, so he decided not to tell her that during that moment.

The day started with their respective usual workdays , they were exchanging messages now and then , in between the works they were doing. But their minds were preoccupied with the slight probability of their meeting which could take place provided they finish off their work in time(which they would have done under any circumstances). It was not that they were seeing each other , but sometimes you don’t have to be in a relationship with the other person to know their importance in your life or vice-versa. It was a friendship (or relationship) which was based on trust, affection and the sheer pleasure one gets in the presence of another person.

When the evening set down and they knew they were meeting , both were happy and relaxed and the tension of the office and all the work had somehow vanished. Probably because the excitement and want of a beautiful thing can ease off a lot of worries. When John finally saw Dagny coming from far side of the road , he was elated , elated because he somehow felt the next few hours would be amazing, that during the next few hours he would stop thinking what had happened or what would happen , and would just feel the present , the now. And when he met Dagny , and hesitantly hugged her just a little he knew that she need not say anything for she was feeling the same.

They sat together and started talking about things ,discussing friends , colleagues , work and other things. John could sense the shyness in their voice, the sparkle in their eyes and smile on their faces. Dagny tried to hide the little uneasiness that she was feeling but he could make out what was going through her mind. He tried to make her laugh ,to make her focus shift on different things. She started to ease off and open herself up, told him about her work, likes,dislikes,hobbies, things she loves doing , things she hates doing and slowly but surely she started talking about things that were bothering her. And as she was telling him about what she has gone through , John put his hand over her and hold her hand. It was a gesture of telling her that he understood , that she need not say anything what she was feeling , that he would be there when she would need him. The expressions on Dagny’s face was enough to tell him that he had conveyed everything to her.

Time was moving with its own pace, and the proof that they had lost the sense of time was when John realized that her head was now on his shoulder and the wind was causing her hair to fall on his face. He smiled not disturbing Dagny , knowing that she might not again lean on his shoulder the entire evening. The only thing that John did not remember was what she was saying at the moment when she looked at him and he put his lips over hers. She had already closed her eyes and what John could only feel was a sensation inside his body that what was happening was at that very moment the best thing that could have happened in the entire universe. It was not passion that was driving them , probably not even love but a feeling that this “Touch” was not worldly , it was not what their bodies were demanding but their souls were. They were driven not by the thought that their bodies were feeling good but that they were free, free of all the worries , free of any thought , free of everything. And when they stopped and Dagny refused to look at his face , he decided it to remain like that. Because he knew that right or wrong , either in love or not , what happened was not needed to be ruined or probably he was sure

that right or wrong , either in love or not , what happened could never be ruined ever.

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