i am still but m still moving...
looking at those hills, fields which are passing...
this dark night full of light..
m with my best mate....
listening to the happiness...
looking at the creativeness...
this is wonderful...
hairs are moving high...
we are down but we are touching the sky...
the tress are so bright...
these fireflies are making this night more magical...
the greats tombs.. they are empty...
the tall chimneys are not breathing...
this smoke is feeling healthy..
its worth .. its important...
this quietness is not so silent...
but we are smiling...
this journey is not noisy its pleasant...
the home in the middle of the dark is not at all lonely...
sitting at the door is not at all boring...
i m not dreaming but a dream is coming true..
yes we are in train...
a long route...

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