The wind blew and blew me off my feet,
As if he would carry me with it,
To a land unknown to me,
Were the wind belonged to.

But I was determined not to let my feet go off,
For I was sacred to be to the unknown place,
The wind whispered to me that it is indeed beautiful,
And I must allow myself to be carried with it.

And the wind tried harder,
Blowing off my umbrella,
Taking off the cover which protected me from the rain drops,
I could feel the rain and the wind, as if kissing me all over,
What a feeling! didn’t I like it ?
So why was I running away from it ?
Just because everyone else did.

And the wind blew again, asking me to open up my arms,
So I did! And I felt free,
Strange! Maybe because I no more cared to be like anyone else.

I just took a decision to accept what is coming through ,
Allowing myself to get drenched in rain,
Allowing myself to love and be loved by the rain and wind.
The wind whispered and asked me to run,
So I started running,
The wind also ran with me,
It occasionally whispered against my ear to run faster,
So did I and I loved the speed .

I was tired , So the wind asked me to lay down on the grass.
So I did! The grasses were happy ,
As it they longed to hug me,
And they did hug me hard.

The wind whispered me to listen to my heart,
Why didn’t I ever notice that my heart did beat so hard?
And the rhythm the beats created was beautiful.
Everything was beautiful but why did I never notice it?
And suddenly I remembered I was going to have a test tomorrow.

My heart pained at the thought,
I got up and realised it was time to return,
Back to books which were waiting for me.
The wind whispered again ,
This time it was a goodbye,
Tears rolled down my cheeks, I would miss him.

I went to my room back to my book,
I couldn’t stop thinking about the wind,
For he had made me so happy,
Suddenly, a wind blew from the window and turned the pages of my book,
Back I was to from my memories smiling full heartedly,
For I can feel the wind again,
And this time it is whispering me to study,
So I did.

Tags: ROMANCE, Poem

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