Your waves O Wind!
Little playful whispers of yours
They stroke my hair gently
Like my lover used to do
When I could see the world, not you.

They run across my ears,
Stumbling on their way
Giggling, softly they murmur
Like my lover used to do.
When I could hear the world, not you.

They rise swiftly up my nose
Causing me to sneeze
Then rustle 'Bless you' and pat my back
Like my lover used to do
When I could smell the world , not you.

They bring the fragrance from the farthest lands
And their freshness would kiss my cheeks
And then leave a moist impression
Just like my lover used to do
When I could feel the world, not you.

They touch my trembling lips
Before my feelings could get voice
Make me realize of the spring
Like my lover used to do
When I could sense the world, not you.

They then leave me alone, stranded
With my share of joy.
Gasping, my arm outstretched
I quietly say good-bye.
They have no choice but to go
Just like my lover had to do.
Ambitions made me blind
When I lived for the world, not you.

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