its just a theory. not proved yet or would ever. the theory implicitly demands it doesn't have to be proved to make goes something like this
" one day you will die. your body will degenerate. everyone who ever knew you will also die. your existence would be forgotten completely. if so then the only thing that matters is what you want and what you get."

A little detailing.
i always worried about what others will think of me if i do something which is not expected of me. this very feeling has kept me from doing so many awesome things. so what would have changed if i had done all those things? i wouldn't have regrets . that's for sure. i may have a bad reputation .People may think bad of me . But would it matter when i am dead and buried under earth?
so basically whatever i do won't change my fate. by fate i meant dying. die i must. i won't care what people talk about me when i am dead assuming there is no heaven from where we can spy on people on earth, or hell for that matter.
so what matters is not what people talk about when you are gone. its how you made yourself feel when you lived.
if i am a bad person for not following my family reservations would it matter to me when i am gone? i guess not.
so what does matter? for a case scenario: i want to marry a girl whom my family doesn't approve of. whatever i do, if i marry her or someone else my family thinks is appropriate won't matter when i am gone.
but it will matter to me when i am alive. it matters how i live my life the way i want .
it matters to me what i get when i am still breathing . i can't hear you when i am dead.
so i do things what i want when it matters. get things when it matters.

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