Hi, I am Manali. I am 31. I am a happily married woman, who has had the pleasure of knowing her partner for more than 10 years by now.
Let me break the news about my article right away. I am writing this because I am furious at our society. Like many other people in our country, I am bisexual. If you are all wondering, YES, my husband knows. I just said that I am bisexual, doesn’t mean that I do anything about it. The only reason behind me being so content, is the successful marriage that I have with my husband. I am happy and satisfied.
People work towards their desires, when they feel the lack of love, happiness and satisfaction in their lives. Have you ever thought about the reason you fell in love with a girl if you are a guy or vice-versa ? Isn’t it because you are wired that way ? Just imagine, if, in your adolescence you would have discovered that you are different from the others, that you like the same gender, unlike the so-called “normal” people, then how would your life had turned out to be ? So many questions, confusions in your mind and on top of that, people who you love the most, feeling ashamed of you, calling you a disgrace! How would that make you feel ? The basic thing that our people have to understand is, the homosexual people are just like us. They have minds, hearts, souls, beliefs, feelings just like any of us. The way a straight person loves his/her partner is no different than a homosexual person loving his/her partner. They feel overwhelmed when their eyes meet, they feel the rush of blood in their veins when the love of their life speaks to them for the first time. Their love is also pure and divine.
A young boy proposes to a young girl to marry him, and people around them start applauding, wishing them luck and blessing them. But, a guy does the same for a guy, people start pointing fingers at them, calling this gesture outrageous. Don’t you find this confusing ? To tell you the truth, I do.
I have heard stories about parents sending their children for mental illness check-ups, numerous counsellings and even medications; because they think that it is a disease and that it can be cured with the help of doctors, counsellors etc. Let me ask you one thing. (You being a man) When you expressed your desire to be married to a girl or to be in love with a girl, did your parents feel the need of sending you to a doctor to get you checked ? No, I thought so! Then why are we doing this to the homosexual people ? Don’t they have the right to love and be loved ? Are you thinking that you are helping them by doing such things ? Let me give you a straight answer to that. You are pushing them away from you, may be so far that you may lose them forever. So many bright smiles, giggly laughters, the genius minds are lost, hidden, petrified, because we can’t accept them for who they are.
We say that we want our nation to progress in every field. Then why are we stepping back when it comes to the core happiness of our people. Cause, as far as I understand, the nation can only progress if everybody in it is marching along with it, hand in hand.

There’s still time to make things better. To make the day easier for our friends. All you need to do is change the way you think. Now, please don’t give me crap about the cultural values of our country, because when a guy loves a guy or a girl loves a girl, they are not doing any harm to our cultural values. Some of them might have a thousand times better moral, emotional and spiritual values than most of the straight people. You never know. The religious riots are not because of them. The terrorist attacks are not because of them. Then what are we afraid of, really ? Just stop for a while, and think. Maybe this time a little differently..!!

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