Why do u fake when I can differentiate what's fake and what's not !??
Do u think I don't understand what's going on and what u r just trying to show !?
Why did u become part of my life when u had to go one day !??
When I loved u I knew its not for long ,
But still trusted an unknown feeling and when I was into it it was heaven ..
Then why did u have to break that heaven which lead to hell...
Why is it always I get the pain and people say move on !??
Move on !!!! With what and y should I ???
What is the reason .. Ookay
Let's think for the life given by god !??
But to do what !!?
The dreams I had ... The desire I had
The peace I had ...
The everything which was part of my life just vanished in air ...
Just as the passing clouds which change there shape size and density but still it's called cloud.... The same way is the pain in my life !!??
Is it true ....
I think u just did it as a formality ..
Please don't show sympathy on me ..
If I can handle death ,
I can handel this pain .
If I can handle pain
I can handle the tears associated with and
Just don't fake the formality ..
Because I will start hating u ...
Which means hating myself

Tags: Inner self

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