I am not the one to blamed,
I am not the one to be ashamed!
I didnt decide to come as the last child,
Stop calling me an extra in the family
Yes I know without me you four would have lived charmingly!

It hurts each time I hear you say
You are an extra child, still to god for you I pray!
This family love is all I need
The support of you four is all I greed,
My world starts and ends at you
How much I love you, you have no clue!

Your blessings and appreciation is my biggest achievement,
And I know I am your biggest embarrassment!
Still I am not the one to be blamed
Still I am not the one to be ashamed!

Infront of everybody I have been insulted,
In the family I am never trusted,
Stop treating me like a servant, big brother
I can't handle your hard behavior, I am still like a soft feather!

Extra is what you call me?
But yes still I do complete your family tree!
This tag extra has made me learn tenses
Because I no longer 'smile' I 'smiled'
Sincerely the 'extra' third child...

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