You r my life, my love and my soul ..
You r the best thing that god has sent down on this earth...
You r my friend... My guide
My support and my strength...
You r everything which I can define in my life. .
You r my life, my love and my soul..
U know what's good and what's best for me...
U know when am happy and when I am faking to be one...
U know when I cry and when I laugh...
U know my happiness and my sorrows
U r everything I can define...
I am here just because of u....
We fight at times.. But never fail to talk to each other..
If one is angry the others day go full in reverse gear ...
I can't see tears in ur eyes.. Because
That gives me more pain than any other thing ....
I wish to die in ur lap... I wish to be with u every second of my life...
Because u r everything I can define...

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