I am just waiting to clear off all my debts, learn all i have ever yearned for, attain my goals early (like what i am already doing - i've become a journalist and am working on my debut novel) and die peacefully. This world is a difficult place, not meant for a few like me. :(
I am sorry writerbabus, nowadays idk y words just don't come out. I m just a lil sad for no reason..i am not able to write :( :( :(
It's so hurtful not to give somebody sth good to read, no matter u wrote often or not, u are popular or not..the smiles on ppl's faces when they read a piece that comes straight from the heart, the flurry of emotions, the being able to put urself into sm1's shoes and forcing your thoughts on ppl just through the power of the pen and through the sincerity and honesty of your words...:( I am sorry wbs i think i cannot write anymore. Once boards are done, i hope i am back to what i used to be - a person who just cannot find a reason not to write.

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