I know a person who is 63 years old today. He is a doctor and earning pretty well. He has a few houses and most thing ine wants to have in his life. Everyday in the morning at about 8 am he leaves for his hospital, waking up at around 6 an to get ready for it. He comes back at around 5:30 pm. Wthin 6:15 pm he leaves for his clinic at comes back at about 10 pm. He then does some paper work, has dinner and goes off to sleep. He does this everyday almost. On Sundays he has to do a lot of calculations regarding his resources. He has a few houses, decent amount of money and most things and stuff people want to have in life. He has a good position and respect in society too. I once asked him, whats left in life that he wants to have or achieve. He did not have an answer to that. He just thought about it, avoided my question and left the room. The person I am talking about is none other than my DAD. Then i realized why he did not answer my question. My dad has been working and has been busy for the past 45 years and has achieved everything he could have. But does that mean he is contented in life. The answer is a big "NO" . And thats because he had not done stuff which would make him happy. Mostly he has done stuff to make himself self sustainable. We all are taught to achieve and aim about one thing after the other. We start doing that since we are born, and let me tell you it will continue till our last breath. But have you ever realized, that how many things have we done in our life that actually brought us happiness. If you can calculate the exact time of true happiness or joy in our life, that would not be a lot. In our quest to be succesful and achieve stuff we all loose the real meaning of life. Think about it. For an example, most of us have cameras today, but does buying a camera give us joy. If u think it is you are the biggest fool. Buying a camera does not bring a smile to your face, what brings is, the precious pictures you took with it. Even if you look at those pictures after years it would bring a smile to your face. I am not saying that dont chase your ambition or dont be succesful. If you dont, you woudnt be happy either. But everyday, in your life, no matter how busy you are, do something you genuinely like. It can be anything, be it talking to somebody special, or listening to music, or watching a video or anything u truely love doing. Even if you can do it for 5 min a day, you will feel good. This will not only bring a small joy to your life, but also help you in working harder to achieve the goals of your life. The best way to watch a video, is not taking with a damn good handycam and watching it, but by closing your eyes and imagining it in your mind. As the mind is the best stage in the world to act and watch it yourself.
Goals happily achieved are always the ones best achieved.

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