Don't chase my status it got stuck in mud,
Can't reach my thoughts - it drifts in space.
Spread your wings and you can fly there,
Drop your stress and worries,
its not allowed there.
We don't always finish where we tend to have started.
I'm counting one to three with the infinities in between them.
There are no names for them, just time after time.
I sat with a thought, it came to me line after line.
I got up with lightning just to dust of my thunder,
There's something on your mind?
Your thoughts could quench my hunger.
I bring this word to the table,
I bring food for your thoughts,
Your thoughts are locked.
I walked up to your door,
Should I knock or should I walk away?
Could we talk or could it go astray?
I fail were I didn't take the test,
Lost a treasure when I should have kept the chest.
I stranger'd the acquaintance of our friendship.
I'm no good nor worth, I crashed my relationship.
Life is daily, so months make years.
But we lost the essence of time,
so for lost time I'll make tears.
Procrastinating, when we could fall in love.
Appreciate me, because I jump in love.
Time after time, I'm through all the motions.
No pictures to hold me in, no moments to buy,
they were all fake promotions.
I forgot where I was heading, no time to look back.
I remembered where I was coming from,
remind me to keep on track.
I'll show you my perspective,
you need to be attentive.
Ignore my actions,
Allow my words to move you.
I had a dream I was dreaming
I could be awake and find myself sleeping.
I saw a vision but it only had me contemplating.
I desire the things we shouldn't have.
I ate the flake of a cloud,
I flew over the sky of a limit.
I got there and back, like under a minute.
I'm no saint I have doubt's too,
I'm no shooting star you could make a wish from,
but I aim at stars for you.
I changed my taste in music,
It grew bitter to my soul.
There's a universe we want to discover.
There's a whole planet we still walk on to wonder.
I digress, am amazed by most.
My interest is in the mesh of life.
Are we known to few or known of by most.
I'm scared yet I walk the dark
I'm strong but I show weakness
I have faith yet I count the odds
I still remember but I wanted to be sure.
I'm a Martian looking a Venusian,
Planet to planet was all about connections.
Forget my past I'm only moving forward,
Time took off before I arrived,
I have to catch up with mine to make it onward.
I have no grudges I forgive I wouldn't try to remember.
I won't play the hate game, don't make me a member.
Its a gift life, I wouldn't wrap it for Christmas.
I do like a present, but let me know before winter.
I'm not trying to walk the path already made.
New days for new dreams.
Help me if we can relate.
I walked ahead of life, it dropped what it held for me.
I walked ahead of time, count to death then send for me.

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