Hey fellas,
I am an old guy in this site. Of late,there have been too many posts regarding a person not getting enough polls and much has been said already on the topic. Also,there have been many new joinees who have left the site just because they didn't get polled for their work. Well, first things first. You all must acknowledge the enormous content being handled by the admin people here. Popping up one article after the other on the main screen of multitude of people isn't an easy task.
Secondly,I do admit that the hurt factor is there. It feels as if no one is interested in reading what you write.You are like that old,crumpled newspaper whose significance is for just a few minutes.
At the same time, I must advise you to not take this matter to your heart and stop writing altogether.We don't write for the poll's sake,do we! Just write whatever comes to your mind. Someone someday will surely read it.It has happened with me and the other old folks of the site many times.Perseverance and passion do work wonders. So,just keep the pen busy!
Lastly, I would request everyone to read the article for what its worth rather than just mindlessly scrolling from top to bottom and continuously polling. Your rating points will go up for sure but you won't have a satisfied feeling after the end of the whole affair.A 1 minute or for that matter a 6 minute read won't make much of a difference in your daily life routine. It would though make a difference in the life of the writer who wants you to read and comment on his article.
So don't be disheartened if your time has not come yet. It will come very soon. Just keep writing and with that,make a difference in the beautiful world that we reside in.
Your fellow writer.

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