Can never be enticed with this world or the other wherever it may exist.
Can never be tamed by our mind or obliterated.
Can never be controlled by attractive, materialistic desires this world has to provide.
Can never be beaten down or die.
It just evolves day and night within to adore more,
to feel more,
to learn more,
to listen more,
to grow up more and live for eternity without fading but getting brighter and brighter every moment, far from this world's reality in the deepest corner of our souls.
True LOVE can't be practical as every practical things have a limit and a life span.
True LOVE is absurd, and raw forever.
True LOVE is neither a delusion nor an illusion, but the best thing that we ever can have with us without contradiction to our-self in the purest form.
Just FEEL it and never try to understand or reason it as it is not meant to be !!!
LUV u all with no reasons! :-)

Tags: Feel, Love

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