If a girl told you from the very start she was faithful and genuine, even before you first met, and that she had never been in love, she did not approve of cheating, she says shes never had a one night stand and never would, and she had been cheated on in the past...all this in mind she falls in love with you, and she had no urge for sex before you because she did not find attraction in anyone she met or was with, the people she dated she liked but had no feelings of attraction towards them. So you get in a relationship with this girl, fall in love and even though she says flirty sexual things to you she does not sleep with you straight away, she waits about a month, and tells you how amazing you are and how head over heels she is for you. You have your paranoia and insecurities and slowly you begin to ask questions and make accusations, you notice her looking at people and think she is wanting them, you start thinking her male friends are more than that, eventually you start thinking everything she has told you is bull**** and your trust issues are getting in the way, every day she tells you she loves you and there is no one better than you, everytime you argue and say something silly she tries to convince you that she is not a liar and she genuinely wants to be with you and she would never hurt you.

You keep saying these things to her for months and her reactions are defensive, she thinks of things to say to convince you she is faithful like 'he isnt even my type', 'you should know me by now' 'you think these things of me, you really dont know me at all' 'i would never hurt someone i love'. You accuse her one day and she turns around and says 'ask me that again, go on' so you do and she says 'no i havent' but she sounds unconvincing, maybe its you thats seeing too much into it, eventually her reactions become fury and she shouts and you say to her you want me to go because your too scared of telling me the truth, you think she wont confess to anything if she has done something because of all the promises she made you, the relationship ends because she cant take it no more, you have to leave her but your mind is still thinking she cheated.

You love her so much and maybe your trust issues have destroyed this, or maybe you had reason to think the person she said she was is too unbelievable...was this all in my head and do you think this girl was genuine and she was desperately trying to convince me she was faithful? Or do you think if she cheated she couldnt tell me because of all the things she promised about herself? …………..This is true story and practically experienced story continues…

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