This idea is eerie!
and my writings are weary.

It imitates life in the artificial light.
Is your life alright?

I ask: When will the world end?
World with mad people and with no friends.

A bustle of brainless people
I'd give them a bloody feast
but they all will have it ceased.

You know, i'm one crazy creature, too
In this mess, i grew.

I ask: Idiots, why do you live?
Why do you cling to your life?

You live and tell lies
Still pretending to be so wise.

I say: Everything is in vain.
Lets feel the pain.
Let our body drain
Lets die, i say, again and again..

Lets join our hands
Lets jump from the roof and then, to the land.

Let it become the cure for our boredom
It will be a high sense of flight with full of stardom.

It will be the freedom that we are not allowed
As the body perish, so the religion will
and our soul will become an Eternal refuge, killed and still.

Everything is in vain, i say once more
Lets feel the pain
Let our body drain
Lets die, i say , again, again and again.

Tags: Tragedy

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