So many days of chasing after happiness..hours, minutes, seconds, lost to a daydream and yet, there you stand, empty handed, still peeking through keyholes you couldn’t shimmy, dejected and gloomy on a day about love, feeling unloved..what a curse!
A change is in order.
Today, do something different. Give it away, happiness I mean. Today, do 14 acts of random kindness and then wait for it to crawl back to you..the cycle of life isn’t all that vicious!
Today, buy a coffee for the next person in line at the restaurant you eat.
Or spot an old man trying to cross the road and hold his hand.
If you see kids playing cricket in a park, be Sachin or Waseem for a bit and teach them what you know.
Hit up the person who leaves encouraging comments on your posts at WriterBabu and thank them.
If you see a little child working somewhere, pat his back and give him some money.
If you spot a girl selling flowers on a signal, buy your wife some.
Today, let your wifi be unprotected and open for sometimes, maybe some lovers might meet, you never know.
Make a friend. Someone, you haven’t talked to ever. Start today.
Today, open doors for people as a gesture of courtesy and smile and nod a bit.
Leave an incredulously big tip at the hotel you dine in.
Raid your closet, find a good dress, something you like, and give it to your maid. Have a heart.
Today, when your family comes home from work, open a tub of ice cream and serve it.
Maybe, find a starving stray animal and feed it.
And don’t forget yourself. Today, dress up, look pretty, turn that frown, upside down and bring out the Santa in you.
If today is the day of love, love randomly and differently even if you are alone. You can love, you have a beautiful, beating heart and you are being human.
And don’t forget to do at least one good thing tomorrow.
Tonight, when you hit the sack, wink at Karma. For what goes around, comes around..

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