In the race for the crown,
Have I ignored the path.
In stamping a human heart,
Have I found my glory.
The battle started ages ago,
It started with a stone.
Now it has ended with blood,
Listless men of flesh and bone.
I was blinded by vengeance,
The war conch's cry got muted.
I fought valiantly for self,
Not realizing my kin got uprooted.
Dormancy has settled for now,
The air is repugnant with grief.
In the race for the crown,
I have become my soul's thief.
The blessings of elders is missing,
The serpent at the end is hissing.
All I see is selfless brethen,
Those who fought for a selfish me.
I crumble to the ground and cry,
This time,seeking my forgotten path.

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