"Have you seen what she's wearing today?How can she wear something like that"

"Why did he say something like that? what did he mean?"

"Just look at him, he's such a mess"

"What the hell was she thinking while doing something like this?"

How many of us have said or heard the above statements? I think all of us have!

Assumptions, presumptions, view points, opinions, thoughts, stereo-types, judgement, comments ... a little too many in our society. Or at least that's what I feel.

Freedom of speech is probably the most misused or over-used right we have. The right of speech is ok, but does it really give us a right to judge people? a right to have a VIEW POINT on anything and everything - even when we do not anything about the person? Honestly, I find baseless opinions the biggest turn off in people. Who gives us the right to base judgement on anybody? Are we perfect? Do we know anything about the other person or his/her circumstances?

This comes very naturally to us - commenting on someone (their clothes, character, car, looks, heck even their skin colour) but have we ever thought why? Why to discuss someone else's shortcomings? Why have an opinion on anyone else?
You never know what the other person might be going through, his problems, his reasons!
And if not for anything else, try and stop yourself just for the fact that how would you feel if you got to know what others were thinking about you? judging you? taking your case? commenting on you?

Just Focus - on your life, yourself, your work!

Again, this post itself is a VIEW-POINT and kind of puts this whole debate into a debate!

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