Sorry, but I'm not you. I did not fall in love with that person because of her gorgeous smiles, blue eyes and all. I fell in love because our communication was eternal. It had our soul.

Even if I lose everything that I have, I remain confident that I will achieve everything you want.

We cry when we part a person but who knows maybe staying with her, we would have shed more tears.

Your man is not one who is "good to you". You can be good to hundred of the people.

The 1% battery in my phone lasts longer than your love.

Sometimes, the smallest things take up the biggest room in your heart.

If you feel that it is yours then do not listen to anyone, just take a chance.

Traitor does not deserve forgiveness, the one who once failed you will let you down again. You must allow yourself to throw all the garbage caged inside your heart and be tougher, especially in relation to the ones you love. People who do not appreciate our good attitude, do not deserve our trust.

Life has meaning only if you live for the sake of someone other than yourself.

As long as man does not give up, it is stronger than his fate.

Forgive us our happiness and pass by.

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