
That's what I am talking about.

What if the title of writerbabu.com was something else that reflected sheer elegance and scared off, the variety of personas we encounter here. Something like, Writersarena.com. A name like that speaks volumes- being a one spot stop to dabble in writing and interact with writers, that don't blabber or indulge themselves in writing of any sordid sort but writing that should called "class" writing. Words that are a pleasure to read. That exhume a part of soul when they touch you. They make you think and read and think, again, till your inner voice says, siesta time.

Why don't we encounter or give such writing a fair share in the writing sphere, here. The recognition that it deserves eludes it, stamped an outcast due to outstanding stream of thoughts it exhibits.

Don't act naive. We all have gone through posts that deserved accolades more than the others. On the other hand, such depth-less, amateur stuff has attracted wide attention, making writerbabu.com a precursor to the hoard of writers that try their luck. Peoples' testimony would stand to confirm such perception, which is supposedly spread among many.

This might look as one of those pieces, persistently written by our fellow WBs here. But it is a reminder that "Class" and " Quality", if not appreciated, is akin to Crime.

Tags: Writerbabu, Us, WB

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