We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.
~Stacia Tauscher

One of the biggest happiness in the world comes from the smallest folks on earth, children. Watching them growing up, is honestly a phenomenal experience. With their tiny hands and feet they scramble to reachout, and to discover the new world about them. However we shun them at every step by stopping their creative exploration. We try to mold them our way, and forget that they need to learn that on their own. We put too much focus on the future that has still yet to come that we loose the moments we have in the grasp of our hands. Unpredictable as life is we fail to understand our today is what reflects in our tomorrow. Be careful when you want a better future for your child, see to it that you are not destroying his present, for you owe him both.

Tags: Kids, Tomorrow

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