Found exclusively in South America, the green Anaconda is popular for being the heaviest species of snakes in the world. It is also one of the longest snakes and is a non venomous species.

The Green Anaconda is a big aquatic snake.They tend to be around 5 to 6.5 meters as mature. There have been reports of some specimens above 7 meters, but it is very rare. It is known for eating anything it can take on from fish to large preys like deer, caimans, ect.. Like crocodiles, these snakes attacks preys approaching water for a drink, by putting only its snouts out of water and then slowly approaching, only to make a sudden, surprising attack. Green Anacondas wrap themselves around the prey, giving them a painful death by suffocating the prey. It is a method known to as constriction. Cannibalism is not new among Anacondas.

As they spend most of their lifetime in or about water, these creatures are capable to move at great speeds under water, despite that they are much slower on land. Anacondas mate usually from April to May, which is the rainy season. In some cases, there have been several males trying to mate with one female, a process during which the males will compete and try to be the one to mate with the female.

Baby anacondas, due to their small size and not receiving parental care, often fall prey to other animals. Those who survive, are reported to become mature very quickly and then keep growing throughout their life slowly.

There are legends of man-eating green anacondas. Sightings by several natives claiming that they supposedly witnessed Anacondas more than 9 meters and been killing humans, although none of these rumors have proven to true. overestimation at the sight of a curled up anaconda is common as it bulky and large and very long.

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