“You are Beautiful”
Everyone wants to hear this as compliment and also the people who say this are special to us.
But Beautiful by?
Yes, you are beautiful by face or by heart?
Beautiful by face means just the external face value which is nothing compared to the treasure that hide inside our heart.
I don’t want to be called beautiful by face.
I don’t want people to admire my facial or external beauty.
I think the best compliment anyone can get is, “you are beautiful by heart.”
And the people who admire your inner beauty are the people who actually care rest are the plastics around you for a reason.
Like in mathematics we have face value and place value of digits
In the number 7600
The face value of 7 is 7 but the place value of 7 is 7000,the face value is nothing in front of place value in mathematics.
So is in our life, In our relationships with friends and family we have never valued about their face value. It’s what inside their heart, their nature that makes them our special people.
But still each one of us are hypocrite as we do this often we would see ourselves among crowd judging people over their face and so many other things. We hate to be judged but we like judging people.
We understand the value of people around us, Yet we like going to the plastics who will say us all the things we want to hear.
I have seen people around me who are so much lost in their asset of being beautiful by face that they drift away from reality. They forget people always want trophies to show.
Apart from these there are people with good face and bad intentions. And hence the world only sees the mask others fall prey to it. What is a beautiful face without beautiful heart?
“A beautiful face attracts the flirter”, I read this quote and it is true the ones who admire our face will never be by our side for forever. Pretty face is a gift that will despise with time only the beauty that won’t despise is our inner beauty.
Look around yourself!
Are we surrounded by plastics or by real people?
And if ever we are among plastics drift away from them before they drift you from reality.
Always remember to be beautiful forever we need a good heart not good looks.
Keep a check on your definition of beautiful also what this word means to people around you.
look for a beautiful heart not beautiful face.
As it is said that 'Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful.'
Stay beautiful and keep smiling :)

Tags: Beauty

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